The 564.00 Flounder

The $564.50 Flounder

Jake stood at the edge of Carolina Beach boat ramp, looking at his fishing rod in one hand and a single flounder in the other. The waves crashed rhythmically, providing a serene backdrop to Jake’s mounting frustration.

After meticulously planning a fishing trip, Jake found himself reminiscing about the money he’d spent. The drive from Charlotte, pulling his small boat with his Ford F150 FX4, had cost him more than he’d care to admit. The hotel stay, while comfortable, had its own price tag. And then there was the food, the fuel, and the wear and tear on his truck and trailer.

His friend, Ron, had jokingly said, “Why not just buy a flounder at the store?” But Jake, enamored with the thrill of the chase, wanted to catch his own. Now, staring at the singular, small flounder, he couldn’t help but wonder if Ron had been right.

With all expenses considered, Jake’s trip had cost him around $564.50. A realization hit him: This was the most expensive flounder he’d ever “bought”, considering one would only cost him about $16 at his local store.

In the grand scheme of things, was it worth it? Perhaps not for the flounder itself. But as Jake packed up, he remembered the sunrise over the ocean, the thrill of the first bite on his line, and the peaceful solitude he felt. Maybe, just maybe, the experience was priceless

Conservative Estimated Trip Cost

  1. Distance: The distance from Charlotte to Carolina Beach is approximately 200 miles one way or 400 miles round trip.
  2. Gas:
  • Let’s assume your Ford F150 FX4 gets about 15 mpg towing a small boat (this can vary depending on many factors).
  • At 400 miles round trip, you’d consume about 27 gallons of gas.
  • If gas costs an average of $3.50 per gallon (it could be more or less in 2023), the fuel cost is $94.50.
  1. Wear and Tear:
  • The IRS mileage rate for 2022 was 58.5 cents per mile which includes gas, wear and tear, and depreciation.
  • Subtracting our gas cost (23.6 cents per mile for 400 miles = $94.50) from the IRS rate gives us 35 cents per mile for wear and tear.
  • Wear and tear cost: 400 miles x $0.35/mile = $140.
  1. Lodging:
  • Let’s say an average hotel near Carolina Beach costs $120 per night. For 2 nights, that’s $240.
  1. Meals:
  • Estimating $15 per meal and 3 meals a day for 2 days: $15 x 3 x 2 = $90.

Adding all these together: $94.50 (gas) + $140 (wear and tear) + $240 (lodging) + $90 (meals) = $564.50.


Protect Your Calm

Protecting Your Calm: The Tranquility of Fishing

In a world that’s ever-bustling with noise, distractions, and demands, finding moments of genuine peace and quiet can seem like a luxury. Yet, there’s a simple and time-honored activity that offers a unique blend of relaxation and mindfulness: fishing. Here’s how fishing can be your oasis of calm and how to make the most of it.

1. Nature’s Lullaby: Being surrounded by the natural world is one of the first steps to tranquility. The gentle ripples on the water, the chirping of the birds, and the rustling leaves work harmoniously to create a calming backdrop. Nature, in its simplicity, can be the perfect antidote to the overwhelming complexities of modern life.

2. The Meditation of the Cast: There’s an inherent rhythm to fishing, a meditative quality that many overlook. The act of casting, waiting, and reeling can be a repetitive and mindful process. It gives you the space to focus, to be in the moment, and to clear your mind from the constant bombardment of thoughts and worries.

3. Celebrate the Silence: In our always-connected world, the sound of silence is rare. Fishing provides an opportunity to unplug and revel in that quiet. By disconnecting from our devices and the buzz of everyday life, we can truly listen to our thoughts and perhaps even understand ourselves a bit better.

4. Embrace the Patience: Fishing is not just about catching fish; it’s about the wait, the anticipation, and the acceptance of whatever comes your way. This practice teaches patience, a virtue that’s increasingly rare in our instant-gratification society.

5. Pack Mindfully: To truly enjoy the serene experience, ensure you’re well-prepared. Bring along essentials like a comfortable chair, appropriate gear, snacks, water, sunscreen, and perhaps a book. But remember to keep it minimal. The beauty of fishing lies in its simplicity.

6. Share or Solitude: Fishing can be both a solitary or communal activity. Whether you choose to go alone or with a friend, make sure it aligns with what you need at that moment. Sometimes, a silent companion by your side is all the therapy you need.

Protecting your calm in today’s world is paramount for mental well-being. Fishing, in its purest form, offers a sanctuary from the chaos. It’s not just about catching a fish, but about catching a moment of peace. The next time you feel the world closing in, grab a fishing rod, head to the nearest waterside, and let nature do its magic.

What Fishing line to use?

Look at the Pros and Cons of each line type and consider what type of fishing you will be doing. 

Braided Line

  • Pros:
    • Strength: Highly durable and strong, making it great for heavy cover and targeting big fish.
    • Sensitivity: Offers great sensitivity, allowing you to feel even the slightest bite.
  • Cons:
    • Visibility: Highly visible in the water, which can deter fish.

Monofilament Line

  • Pros:
    • Stretch: Has a fair amount of stretch, which can be forgiving when fighting a fish.
    • Cost: Generally less expensive than other types of lines.


    • Abrasion Resistance: Tends to have lower abrasion resistance compared to braid and fluorocarbon.

Fluorocarbon Line


    • Invisibility: Nearly invisible underwater, making it less likely to spook wary fish.
    • Abrasion Resistance: Has good abrasion resistance, which is beneficial in rocky environments.
  • Cons:
    • Stiffness: Can be stiffer and more difficult to handle compared to other lines. Make sure to tighten the knots well. Use water to assit in the knot.


  • For Heavy Cover: Braid is typically the best choice due to its high strength and durability.
  • For General Use: Monofilament is a versatile choice, suitable for a variety of fishing situations.
  • For Clear Water: Fluorocarbon is often preferred for its low visibility in clear water environments.

Ultimately, the best line will depend on a variety of factors including your target species, the fishing environment, and your personal preferences. It’s not uncommon for anglers to use all three types of lines in different situations, so you might consider experimenting with each to see which works best for you.

Boosting Your Retail Business with Product Reviews on Social Media


Are you looking for new and innovative ways to boost your retail business? Product reviews on social media can be an effective tool for driving more customers to your store. By leveraging the power of product reviews, you can create a fuss or hoopla about your new product, showcase customer testimonials, and build trust with potential customers. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to leverage product reviews on social media to help increase your sales and grow your business.

The Power of Social Media for Retail Businesses
Social media has revolutionized the way businesses operate, and the retail industry is no exception. With millions of people active on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, these platforms have become a goldmine for retailers looking to expand their reach and increase sales.

The power of social media for retail businesses lies in its ability to connect brands directly with their target audience. By creating engaging content, sharing promotions, and interacting with customers, retailers can build a loyal following and establish a strong online presence. Social media allows retailers to showcase their products in a visually appealing way, which is especially important in the retail industry where aesthetics play a significant role in purchasing decisions.

Another benefit of social media for retail businesses is its ability to facilitate word-of-mouth marketing. When customers share their positive experiences with a product or store on social media, it can quickly reach a wide audience and generate buzz. Positive reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers can build trust and credibility, encouraging others to give your products a try.

Encouraging Customer Loyalty Through Product Reviews
Building customer loyalty is crucial for the success of any retail business, and product reviews on social media can be a powerful tool to achieve this goal. When customers see positive reviews from other shoppers, it creates a sense of trust and credibility in your brand. They are more likely to make a purchase and become repeat customers.
One effective way to encourage customer loyalty through product reviews is by incentivizing your customers to leave feedback. Offer a small discount or reward for leaving a review on your website or social media platforms. This not only encourages customers to engage with your brand but also makes them feel valued and appreciated.
Another strategy is to create a sense of community around your brand. Encourage customers to share their experiences and opinions on social media using a branded hashtag. This not only generates user-generated content that you can leverage for marketing purposes but also creates a sense of belonging and loyalty among your customers.
Responding to customer reviews, whether positive or negative, is also important for building loyalty. When customers see that you value their feedback and are willing to address any concerns, it builds trust and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.
Ultimately, encouraging customer loyalty through product reviews on social media requires consistent engagement and a commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences. By leveraging the power of social proof, you can create a loyal customer base that will not only continue to purchase from your store but also become brand advocates who refer others to your business.

Tips for Encouraging Customers to Leave Product Reviews
Getting customers to leave product reviews can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can increase the chances of receiving valuable feedback from your customers. Here are some tips for encouraging customers to leave product reviews on social media.
1. Make it easy: Provide clear and simple instructions on how customers can leave a review. Include direct links to your social media profiles or review platforms, and explain the steps they need to take to leave a review.
2. Incentives: Offer incentives for customers to leave reviews, such as exclusive discounts, freebies, or entries into a giveaway. This not only motivates customers to share their experiences but also rewards them for their time and effort.
3. Timing is key: Ask for reviews at the right time. Reach out to customers shortly after they have made a purchase, while the experience is still fresh in their minds. Send a follow-up email or message thanking them for their purchase and kindly request a review.
4. Engage with customers: Show genuine interest in your customers’ opinions. Respond to their comments and reviews on social media, thank them for their feedback, and address any concerns or issues they may have. This encourages more customers to share their thoughts and builds a sense of community around your brand.
5. Use visuals: Visuals are more eye-catching and memorable than plain text. Encourage customers to leave photo or video reviews showcasing how they use your product. Visual content not only attracts more attention but also adds credibility to their reviews.

Utilizing User-Generated Content on Social Media
One of the most valuable resources you have as a retailer on social media is user-generated content. User-generated content refers to any form of content, such as photos, videos, reviews, or testimonials, that your customers create and share about your products or brand. Utilizing this content on social media can have a powerful impact on your retail business.

User-generated content adds authenticity and credibility to your brand. When potential customers see real people using and enjoying your products, it builds trust and encourages them to make a purchase. It also allows you to showcase your products in real-life situations, providing a more accurate representation of how they can be used.
To effectively utilize user-generated content, start by encouraging your customers to share their experiences on social media. Create branded hashtags and ask customers to use them when posting about your products. This not only helps you discover and track user-generated content, but it also allows you to easily share and promote this content on your own social media channels.

When sharing user-generated content, make sure to give credit to the original creator. This not only shows appreciation for their contribution but also encourages others to share their own content. Additionally, you can run contests or campaigns that encourage customers to create and share user-generated content for a chance to win prizes or be featured on your social media.

Sharing and Promoting Positive Product Reviews on Social Media
One of the most powerful ways to boost your retail business is by sharing and promoting positive product reviews on social media. When potential customers see positive reviews from other shoppers, it creates a sense of trust and credibility in your brand, increasing the likelihood of them making a purchase.

To effectively share and promote positive product reviews on social media, start by identifying the best platforms for your target audience. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular choices, but you may also want to consider niche platforms that cater to specific interests or industries.

Once you have identified the platforms, highlight positive reviews by creating eye-catching graphics or visuals. This can include pulling quotes from reviews and pairing them with images of the product or satisfied customers. You can also create short videos featuring customer testimonials or unboxing experiences.

When sharing positive reviews, be sure to tag or mention the customers who left the reviews. This not only shows appreciation for their feedback but also allows their friends and followers to easily find the original review and learn more about your product.

In addition to sharing positive reviews directly, you can also incorporate them into your social media content strategy. For example, you can create posts that highlight a positive review of a specific product, or you can create a regular series showcasing customer testimonials.
Remember to always respond to positive reviews with gratitude. Thank customers for their feedback and let them know how much you appreciate their support. This not only shows good customer service but also encourages others to leave their own positive reviews.

Responding to Negative Product Reviews on Social Media
Dealing with negative product reviews on social media can be a challenging and delicate task for any retail business. However, it’s essential to respond to these reviews promptly and effectively to show that you value your customers’ feedback and are committed to resolving any issues they may have experienced.

When responding to negative product reviews, it’s crucial to maintain a calm and professional tone. Begin by thanking the customer for their feedback and expressing your sincere apologies for any inconvenience they may have faced. Let them know that their satisfaction is a top priority for your business.

Next, address their concerns or issues directly and offer a solution or resolution. Whether it’s a refund, a replacement product, or assistance from your customer service team, show the customer that you are willing to go above and beyond to rectify the situation.
Remember to keep the conversation private whenever possible. Provide contact information or direct the customer to reach out to you via direct message or email to discuss the matter further. This not only shows respect for their privacy but also allows you to handle the issue more efficiently and effectively.

Finally, once the issue has been resolved, follow up with the customer to ensure their satisfaction. This demonstrates your commitment to excellent customer service and can potentially turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Leveraging Influencers to Boost Product Reviews on Social Media
In today’s digital age, influencers have become a powerful force in the world of social media. Leveraging influencers can be an effective strategy for boosting product reviews and driving more customers to your retail business.

Influencers are individuals who have built a large following on social media platforms and have the ability to influence their audience’s purchasing decisions. By partnering with relevant influencers in your industry, you can tap into their loyal fan base and leverage their influence to promote your products and generate positive reviews.
When selecting influencers, it’s important to choose those whose values align with your brand and whose audience matches your target market. Look for influencers who have a strong engagement rate, as this indicates that their followers are actively interested in their content.
Once you’ve identified the right influencers, collaborate with them to create authentic and engaging content that highlights your products. This could include product reviews, unboxing videos, or tutorials. By allowing influencers to share their genuine opinions and experiences with your products, you can build trust and credibility with their audience.

To further boost product reviews, consider offering exclusive discounts or giveaways in collaboration with influencers. This incentivizes their followers to try your products and leave positive reviews.

Tracking and Measuring the Impact of Product Reviews on Social Media
Now that you have implemented product reviews on social media to boost your retail business, it’s important to track and measure the impact of these reviews. This will help you understand how effective your strategy is and make any necessary adjustments to optimize your results.

One way to track the impact of product reviews on social media is through engagement metrics. Keep an eye on the number of likes, comments, and shares that your reviews receive. This will give you an idea of how well they are resonating with your audience and whether they are driving any additional engagement or reach.
Another metric to consider is conversion rate. Track how many people are clicking through to your website or making a purchase after reading a positive review. This will help you understand how influential the reviews are in driving sales.

Additionally, pay attention to the sentiment of the reviews. Are they mostly positive or negative? This will give you an overall picture of customer satisfaction and help you identify any areas of improvement in your products or customer service.

Lastly, consider using analytics tools provided by social media platforms to track the performance of your product reviews. These tools can provide valuable insights into reach, engagement, and audience demographics.

By regularly tracking and measuring the impact of product reviews on social media, you can make data-driven decisions and continuously optimize your strategy for maximum success.